Вот вам письмо, но как я уже сказал, главное найти правильных людей в компании, КОМУ его надо направить. Если кто может помочь с этим (чтобы письмо не футболили из отдела в отдел - хотя думаю, что в Японии такого не должно быть), было бы хорошо.
(Vehicle Safety / NATS Dept.?)
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
17-1, Ginza 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8023, Japan – TEL.03-3543-5523
COPY TO: Nissan Europe S.A.S. – Bruno Bonnin
Phone: +33130136730 – Fax: +33130136821 –
Космодамианская наб. 52/5, Москва,115054, Россия
Ph. +7 495 9612131 – Fax +7 495 9612132
XXXXXXXXXXX Moscow, Russia 127083
XXXXXXXX@mail.ru, Ph. +7 903 XXXXXXX
DATE: 25 November 2008
Dear Sirs,
I am a proud owner of 2006 Patrol, VIN JN1TESY61U0151229, purchased from a Moscow-based Russian dealership. This is a great and a reliable vehicle. However, it has an inherent electronics-related malfunction, which directly affects driver’s and passengers’ safety, and to my regret, official Moscow-based Nissan dealers can do nothing about it.
I am referring to driving in ”big city” electromagnetic environment, such as close to overhead electric lines, traffic lights or mobile telephony transmitter towers. When driving in Moscow, I experience this problem almost daily. This is when all vehicle doors unlock suddenly, accompanied by turned on direction lights. Like if you press the button on the ignition key to unlock the doors – but ALL direction lights may stay on for up to 10 seconds.
I find this a major safety issue for the following reasons:
1. Direction lights staying on for longer than 1-2 seconds is not normal, nor intended operation, therefore, this greatly confuses the motorists around. Direction lights are not stop lights; they should blink, NOT stay on.
2. Vehicle doors unlock while the vehicle is moving, and the driver may not even notice this. This may be dangerous either for the passengers, who may inadvertently open the doors in traffic, or for the driver, who, for instance, may be attacked by robbers when stopped on a street intersection or on a traffic light. I prefer to lock all doors and I want to be sure they stay locked until I want them unlocked – not until the car system wants them to.
I approached two Moscow-based dealerships (Major and U-Service) and I asked them to resolve the problem. Major said that most of new Nissan cars have this problem and there is nothing they can do about it.
Since I live close to U-Service dealership, I thought they could help me with this. U-Service managers said they are aware about this NATS-related problem. They said this is not covered by guarantee, but they invented a device that fixes the bug. And that I have to pay about $60 to get it fixed. I asked why don't they talk to Nissan Moscow Representative Office (NISSAN MOTOR RUS) to get this issue covered by guarantee, especially if this is a well-known problem that many people complain about. I could not get a comprehensible answer. I was advised to avoid driving in the electromagnetic environment instead. But in modern metropolitan areas, this is impossible. Moreover, this problem is typical of Nissan cars only, while other car makes with similar electronic systems have never had this trouble. To me, this only means that this is a problem of a car, not the environment.
I wrote a letter to NISSAN MOTOR RUS, evidently a subsidiary of Nissan Europe S.A.S., to see what solution they can offer. To my surprise, the answer was that the dealers were right to have rejected my request, because this problem can be fixed only if dealer mechanics actually see the problem showing up. And of course, this problem never appeared at the dealer center. My understanding is that it was just an evasive and a noncommittal reply to avoid solving the inherent NATS problem, common for many Nissan cars. It is obvious, that people cannot avoid driving in the electromagnetic environment, if they drive in a big city.
I am not happy with this reply, this being the reason why I am writing to you now. As far as I can judge, a buyer of a top-priced car of a leading world manufacturer should be entitled to a more careful and considerate approach.
I would think that a company like Nissan, willing to avoid a major scandal and rumors of not being concerned about safety, would like to take steps to fix the issue with its dealers. Especially because one of the Russian dealers has already invented a way to fix it, but offers the solution for $60, while the vehicle is still covered by guarantee.
I hope this issue will be duly discussed, and a solution, that would suit all Nissan owners suffering from this problem, will be offered.
Please find attached a copy of NISSAN MOTOR RUS’ answer to me.
Copy of NISSAN MOTOR RUS’ answer (sorry it is in Russian).
ДАТА: 12.05.2008
КОМУ: Г-ну XXXXXX М.Ю. ОТ: Захаровой А.
КОМПАНИЯ: ОТДЕЛ: Послепродажного обслуживания
КОПИЯ: ТЕЛ. №: + 7 495 961-21-31
XXXXXXX@mail.ru ФАКС №: + 7 495 961-21-32
Уважаемый г-н XXXXXXXXXXXX,
Настоящим ООО «Ниссан Мотор Рус» свидетельствует свое уважение и подтверждает получение Вашего запроса от 06/05/2008г., направленное в наш адрес.
Мы глубоко сожалеем о тех неудобствах, которые Вы испытываете при эксплуатации автомобиля Ниссан VIN: JN1TESY61U0XXXXXX.
По информации, полученной от дилерского центра «У Сервис+», Вы обратились по поводу самопроизвольного срабатывания центрального замка.
Настоящим письмом ООО «Ниссан Мотор Рус» подтверждает правомерность отказа дилерского центра в устранении данного явления по гарантии, так как оно не свидетельствует о наличии неисправности, а может возникнуть ввиду:
- помех со стороны автоматизированного устройства оплаты за пользование дорогой
- помех со стороны автоматизированного устройства оплаты
- помех со стороны других устройств, передающих аналогичные сигналы
- нахождения а/м вблизи мест расположения излучателей мощных радиоволн, например, теле- и радиостанций, электростанций
- рядом с работающим беспроводным оборудованием, например, сотовым телефоном, приемопередатчиком, радиостанцией в общественном режиме.
ООО «Ниссан Мотор Рус» напоминает Вам, что решение о проведении ремонта осуществляется только при предъявлении обнаруженной неисправности.
С уважением,
Захарова А.
Ассистент центра по работе с клиентами